Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 3

Yes I know I missed a day. I had a big long blog with tons of stuff then I hit the button wrong and it all got erased. And do I remember any of it???!! Any hoo I'm starting new from today. Remember I can't tell you about the glorious events that make your heart weep. I can tell u the side stuff.
We went to downtown old Tallin. I really didn't think I would be impressed. Again I was fooled. So much fun and beautiful buildings from long ago still in use today. I didn't take any pics of the stupid churches which are all over but I did have a mental picture of one angel per church at armegedon.
We kept meeting local JW and delegates. We all stopped and shared info and gifts and broken language skills. Hugging was the communication of the day. They had a medeviel restaurant w players out side on bag pipes flutes drums hurty hurty. Yep real name for a windup guitar violin thingy. Really cool music. We even put in money to the tip pot. Later we found out it was a sister playing! Her job. She ended up giving us a tour of the town.
We did get on the right bus going the wrong way. Ended up at the end of the line in no where land. With a Russian driver telling us to get out! We did and must have looked pitiful. He got back in the bus turned around and took us back to close to where we needed to be. We were the only ones on. And he didn't stop. We think he did a special trip just for us.
The pictures are of the carts and how they have a office w a order window for literature ! Then the two family's who we met at the international in Indianapolis. They are going to dinner with us on Saturday. I was so happy to see them.
I also climbed a real tower that nearly killed me. Small tight huge steps of stone and 35 meters plus. Cause it went in spirals. Gabriel would be proud of me. I swear I'm gonna loose wight on this trip. Ok I'm so tired and happy. Really happy. Thank u for reading this. Love u lots

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Jerry said...

What wonderful special time you guys are having! So happy for you, get a bit watery eyed reading everything & looking at all the pics! Can't wait for the real tear jerking stuff!

Unknown said...

sounds like a good time so far. I am very happy for you kids. miss you here though. you must look out for those crazy bus drivers. be careful, but, have a ball.

Unknown said...

Thoroughly enjoying your photos and blog! Keep it coming! So happy for you all, cant wait for all the stories when you get back :)

Unknown said...

Just like you I typed a whole thing and then may have pressed the wrong button so I apologize if this posts twice -- basically I said how amazing it must be at this year's Convention in particular to be amongst the worldwide brotherhood and share this experience. I can only live vicariously through you so keep these posts coming! Love you guys <3