Monday, July 23, 2012

We made it to Bakersfield California.  I kept falling asleep at the wheel. And I had airconditioning and comfort...poor Kevin had the RV with "natural air".  It was 100 degrees and up to 105.  Way toooo hot for fun travel and everything is dryed up and flatt from our view.  We found a lovely RV Park on the outside of this town that is older and has a shade tree for each space. Whew it really helps.
we are still remembering our going away party that Crystal and Ben threw for us.  there were many from the congregation there and a pile of BBQ food and cake ...DElicious.  We had a lovely visit with each of the friends, and then we heard that our dear friend Lois was going to emergency, she wouldnt let us visit till she found out her health issues.  Fortunately she is doing fine now and under treatment and at home.  Thank Jehovah it wasnt more serious.  Then came the time to say thank you and good bye to all the friends at the party...ughhh the hard part.  I got to the last few before I started crying.  I hate crying.  but they were so sweet and nice, and the nicer you are the more I cry.  Just give me a good slap instead. smile> Kevin tears fell as well and we made a quick get away in our hot rod lincoln.  We were all packed and ready to go this morning and it took less than an hour to unhook the hoses and wires.  Seriously the easiest move I have ever made.
Its been a crazy adventure.  I still am sad as a good friend of mine Jeanie Cox from Carson city died this week.  Her daughter had just died earlier this year from MS.  so with fun things sad and worrisome things are mixed in.  Thats just life, right?
We are planing to get up early and leave by 6 am manana and try to get to flagstaff AZ but it is nearly 8 hour drive so I am not sure if I can do it but we will try.  Take care and I love all the emails and texts and phone calls please keep them coming'
you are loved
Kathleen and Kevin


Juan y Lupita said...

It's good to hear you guys are ok so far on this trip. Keep us posted and we'll be praying for you guys to keep going safe. You need more coffe Katha! Lol

Unknown said...

More coffee indeed! Hope the ole Winnebago and hot rod don't over heat for you. Keeping you in prayers. Enjoy the sights guys! Flagstaffs not a happening town but it's has some pretty spots!;) love, your youngest

DM said...

No sleeping on the wheel...just have Kevin pull over for your ready made bed or there's always NoDoze! Just kidding!! Don't over do it. We miss you dearly, but know that you have to do it for Jehovah. Love you, Daniel & Patti