Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bay Area Pics


Here are some of the pictures of our new home area.

Enjoy and write!


Vallejo Home 002

Vallejo Home 005

Vallejo Home 009

Vallejo Home 048

Vallejo Home 046


jonestusalud said...

The view looks spectacular. Breathtaking! How wonderful that you can enjoy that view everyday. I hadn't checked the blog for a long time, obviously, but I had been wondering about your move to California. We too think of you often and remember all the fun we had with your family. I'm sure we will get to spend a lot of time together again someday. Thanks for sharing your continuing adventure.

Cheri Romero said...

Hello Kathy and Kevin:

This is Cheri, your step-sister. I am fervently looking for your sister Patty so that I can pass the info on to Sarah who is looking for her mother. Please contact me so that I may pass the info on to her.