Hey guys, sometimes I just need to put things on paper or in writing to see how to look at things properly. Did you know that when I am using this bloggy thing, in my head it is like some cyber movie where all of you are on the end listening and telling me different points of counsel, or advice. Like some picture family tree with extend ended wires connecting me to you.
I guess you can tell I am fighting the blues right now. So this should have one of those t.v. rating warnings. Read with caution.
This is the current update, from newest to oldest this time. Kevin is ralphing up his guts with a severe ferocity. We went to the beach today and all was fine until around 4 pm when we were all surprised by his run to the sink and uncontrollable vomiting. I got him to the fence in the back yard and let him heave till there was no more then took his shaking body to bed and made him lay down. He requested a sip of water and that started this all over again. He is on restriction for the next 12 hours of no water till what ever bug is in him dries up and is out. Tomorrow morning we will test him with some water and if he still doesn't keep it down, then I am not fooling around and he is getting a doctors care.
Well the story doesn't stop there. Before that, at the beach in the last final minutes of play in the ocean before we left Tifka got bitten by some sea animal. She told me later that in her fear she thought is was a piranha! maybe my complaining of sharks and seeing lots of flying jumping fish started this. her foot was bleeding allot, really allot it was on the sand and gory. A man named Miguel saw us and came over and looked at it and said it was a big crab that tried to snip off her toe. He put sand in the wound to stop the bleeding and had me lift it above her heart. Why cant I think of this stuff when it is needed? We all know that makes sense! (sorry Stefka). She is such a trouper wouldn't let us get someone to hep us drive her up the mountain, she limped and suffered all the way up the goat trail to the house, telling me Mom just get me there, and while I still have enough adrenaline to do it. She had the shakes and attack of the nerves and incredible pain. It was breaking my heart to warsh it out she really could not take any more. Then Cassie and Kev came a few minutes behind us as they stopped at the little grocery store and got Listerine, aspirin and beer. I know, but there is no pharmacy in this little town. It took an hour but the pain started to subside a bit and she is now ok. We have her foot up and she is just chilling in front of the t.v. and now so is Kevin.
There has been many happy things going on too. so I am going to think of that now, give me a minute….
well the brain is not cooperating, and I think I will put it in the next blog or let the girls do a report.
Oh and Clara Dawes is now no longer in Costa Rica. I am sad. I had just started a friendship with this lovely sister from Australia, and wish it could have continued longer in person, now we will have to keep it going by email.
So thanks for listening. And understanding I am not a perfect person. I know with Jehovah's help this will seem like no big deal. I am praying and asking for holy spirit. Please keep us in mind in your prayers too.
I love you all
Your crazy friend
Sounds like Satan is making an all out attack on you guys! We have you in our prayers. Just hang in there!
We love you all.
Love Mom & Dad
I don't think your crazy, I would react the same way. Well maybe we are both crazy. But I heard a circuit overseer say once that Jehovah has a lot of silly sheep. We will definitely pray for all of you and hope you all realize how much encouragement you are to me and Jeremy
Tracey you are such an awesome person- I hope to be like you when I grow up! ; )
Les echamos por menos- y queremos verles, aqui!
Gracias para su actitud positiva y animadora,
Con amor, Cassie
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