Friday, December 19, 2008


of the blog…we will keep on writing only by personal emails.  we had a lovely time in Kentucky saying hi and goodbye to our friends here.

We are leaving Saturday am at 7 am and our goal is to get 600 miles a day so we will see.

Love you all lots and see some of you soon!


Monday, December 15, 2008


It is Monday night and we are packed and ready to leave by 10 am tomorrow.

we have been so welcomed and cared for and had so much fun in the last 4 days that it truly makes me melancholy to leave.  Friday we were treated to Samira (our Lebanese sister) and her delicious chicken with cinnamon and allspice and rice. Then Saturday she had a party of 25 brothers and sisters including 2 visiting Beth élites from NY and we danced all of us! well of course not Tifka she had a excuse with  her swollen foot and stayed the night at Ida’s (convenient wasn't it).  Kevin even danced with Cassie!  It was a blast.  Tried to do the Arabic dance and costarican and salsa.  When Samira started the belly dance we waited on the side lines and cheered her on, she had instructed 2 other sisters and they all put on a lovely graceful program.(not sexy at all).

Sunday we had pancakes with flower pattern of apples on the bottom with real maple syrup from Canada!  the meeting was great all came up and gave us hugs and encouragement and just made us- not feel like losers.  wonderful hugs all around!  Sunday we switched camps over to Ida and Nicole's, but first had a treat of eating real southern food at Karin Shickners, Tacos and green beans with yummy bacon.  We ate like pigs!  she also has a house in Texas and gave us permission to stay on our way through the states to Reno.  Wow!  It really is raining blessings, and we don't deserve even one of them,,, but I will take them non the less.  Now the girls are downstairs with Ida, Nicky, Carolina, playing card and laughing like goons.  Kevin and are the old ones upstairs being lazy and updating the blog…someone has to act like a grown up around here!  You would never know Ida has a couple of years on us she is more fun that the girls, she thinks of all the fun stuff  to do, and she constantly has people stopping by or calling on the phone.  She is quite loveable.


I tried to make a to do list today, since getting here it has been impossible cause your life changes every second and you really have no control of it, but I think we are going to Chicago, then renting a cheep car to Louisville, then pick up our car at Vivian's work, then run to the thrift store for a few necessary things we couldn't bring (one suitcase each) then crash for the night at Abel and Vivian as, next days the evil day of sorting through our old stuff and seeing what else we can get rid of, visit with our friends in-between, then off to Reno on Saturday, and Kevin thinks we should head through the southern way cause of all the weather.  My hope is to be in Reno by 27th of December.  we will see if it goes that way.

So that our itinerary…next blog will be back in the good old usa

Love you all-and see you Norte Americanos muy pronto!


Friday, December 12, 2008

leaving Tamarindos

just a quick update…we are getting a ride to Flamingo Beach to catch the bus back to San Jose, and will be staying with Samira for the next couple of days.

Ida is letting us use her house to sell Kevin's computer, and ….Tifkas massage table, and his little tool bag the girls brought with them.  Tifka went through a lot of drama packing and hauling that computer here, but the airline is allowing only one bag per person, and will not allow us to buy extra space for them (something to do with the holidays).

Sin embargo this is good for us as we can use the profit for costs in the states!  Thank goodness for!

See ya soon


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If only…

I could follow my heart and live where ever I chose.

I think I have learned that it is not the location but the locals that make my living enjoyable.

Tracey, I love you and can easily picture myself taking over your attic room and stuffing your fridge full of our junk food, and double pots of coffee every morning.  And sitting on your largest chair, like chanchos, reading the newspaper.

The Job situation seems to dictate a lot in my life.  And now a lot of my friends life too.  We had to leave Ohio cause of lack of work, not lack of love for my friends.  Same with Kentucky.  I have tried to guilt, coerce, sell, and bribe my dear friends into hoping on the Haanpaa wagon where ever it may take us… including Costa Rica.  Sometimes I think you are better off not being on it.  In the mean time, what an awesome privilege it is to have such friends as you.  I don”t have any “letters of recommendation” from our service efforts, but somehow I think that your friendship is equal to that.

Thanks for always letting us know we have many safe houses. 

Your friend


p.s. we vote for Alaska next……cassie  (smile)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

serious changes ahead

Map picture

Map picture

Map picture

Map picture





Hi guys! 

After my talking about our situation  We received more communication from our Brothers and Sisters.

In Ohio the economy has hit seriously and as we know of in our North Hill congregation there are now many families unemployed (thanks in part to the auto industry) and any work  I.e. basement improvements have been hit.  Also Mable Patrick and her family have had a loved one recently die.  One of Gails nieces.  So sad.  And friends of ours there have lost their Mom too (she was 95 bless her heart).

We have a friend who is ready to pop with a new baby anytime (#2 baby Rocco!)  A friend who is at the end of her schooling for message therapy, and still keeping her sanity, those that are dealing with extreme cold, and still serving Jehovah will all their might.

In another state we have friends who are dealing with the serious illness of their Mom, and Dad and Mother in law.  And are trying to split themselves in many pieces to care for all their family, no matter what county or country they live in.  All this and still trying to make a dime to provide for themselves and their pioneering.

So friends I am starting to count my blessings.  We are all healthy, including our parents, we are all serving Jehovah, we have sustenance and covering and an incredible network of Witnesses to rely on for support and encouragement.  Sometimes you don't want to sound negative or complaining, but how would I know what you are going through if you didn't tell me.  Thanks for the window into your lives.  My prayers are for your endurance, and Jehovah's continued blessing on your beautiful heads.

I love you allot today


Friday, December 5, 2008

Thoughts of Happiness

Hay y’all! This is Cassie. Mom asked me to temporarily add one blog- mostly filled with happy thoughts and adventures, so here goes!

We had gotten the privilege to experience one of the best spots for service in Liberia. There is a college that teaches English, and that has allowed us to come in and be a part of their program. What they do is study the Bible teach book with each student, allowing them to practice their reading in English, and conversational words, but at the same time learning the truth. Last Saturday we went, and had a lovely study with a 20 year old girl, who seemed shy at first, but had gotten all the main points at the end. It was an absolutely awesome feeling to have when after reading bits and pieces of the Sermon on the Mount(we were studying the 2nd chapter in the book-Bible, book from God-) and after asking her the benefits of that sermon, she recited from memory what we had just read, and truly agreed with it. Her heartfelt expressions made our whole day.

We have also been able to preach in this little beach side town we are staying in. You can literally walk from one end to the other in 15 minutes, but yesterday Dad and I chose instead to go up the mountain a bit. And this is all walking my friends. So we go up and up, and there are a lot of million dollar homes perfectly situated to look over the Pacific Ocean- beautiful, but a bit hermit like. They have gates and intercoms, and they don’t like company. Many had their maids come tell us that there were no English speakers, but we didn’t give up that easily- we just preached to the maids in Spanish instead. The congregation in Spanish doesn’t come up here that often because it is so far away, so they don’t mind us doing that. And they are the most receptive.

Other then preaching, we have been having a lovely time with the hall here. Their spirit and warmness has helped us immensely. Their zeal for the ministry is one to be admired. We have to give a shout out to a special couple who have shown us extreme love, the Loesch’s from Minnesota. They have come as need greater, and they themselves have gone through many problems in their stay here. But they still have opened their arms and have taken us to the meetings, ate dinner with us, laughed at Tiff’s hilarious crab-bite story, and worried about our future here. A true fulfillment of  Proverbs 17:17.

We can never complain. Right now I am writing to you while sipping on coffee, looking out over the Pacific Ocean, in a 4,000 dollar a week house, just a few minutes walk from an amazing beach. Most grateful we are though is for the lessons we have learned in patience and reliance on Jehovah. Only by these trials can we truly strengthen our endurance. I loved 1 Peter-2 Peter, and all the wonderful counsel provided there. But I have already filled this page righteously, so I will sign off and again pass the torch to Mom. She has more hilarious stories then I do.

Shout out before I go to Abel and Vivian- We love and miss you guys- as well as Tracey and Jeremias- always a joy to read your comments- and our wonderful family in Nevada, Thank you for all your help and love.

I love everyone else immensely too, but there is just not enough space! Virtual hugs and kisses,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

thanks for listening

Hey guys, sometimes I just need to put things on paper or in writing to see how to look at things properly.  Did you know that when I am using this bloggy thing, in my head it is like some cyber movie where all of you are on the end listening and telling me different points of counsel, or advice.  Like some picture family tree with extend ended wires connecting me to you.

I guess you can tell I am fighting the blues right now.  So this should have one of those t.v. rating warnings.  Read with caution.

This is the current update, from newest to oldest this time.  Kevin is ralphing up his guts with a severe ferocity.  We went to the beach today and all was fine until around 4 pm when we were all surprised by his run to the sink and uncontrollable vomiting.  I got him to the fence in the back yard and let him heave till there was no more then took his shaking body to bed and made him lay down.  He requested a sip of water and that started this all over again.  He is on restriction for the next 12 hours of no water till what ever bug is in him dries up and is out.  Tomorrow morning we will test him with some water and if he still doesn't keep it down, then I am not fooling around and he is getting a doctors care.

Well the story doesn't stop there.  Before that, at the beach in the last final minutes of play in the ocean before we left Tifka got bitten by some sea animal.  She told me later that in her fear she thought is was a piranha!  maybe my complaining of sharks and seeing lots of flying jumping fish started this.  her foot was bleeding allot, really allot it was on the sand and gory.  A man named Miguel saw us and came over and looked at it and said it was a big crab that tried to snip off her toe.  He put sand in the wound to stop the bleeding and had me lift it above her heart.  Why cant I think of this stuff when it is needed?  We all know that makes sense! (sorry Stefka).  She is such a trouper wouldn't let us get someone to hep us drive her up the mountain, she limped and suffered all the way up the goat trail to the house, telling me Mom just get me there, and while I still have enough adrenaline to do it.  She had the shakes and attack of the nerves and incredible pain.  It was breaking my heart to warsh it out she really could not take any more.  Then Cassie and Kev came a few minutes behind us as they stopped at the little grocery store and got Listerine, aspirin and beer.  I know,  but there is no pharmacy in this little town.  It took an hour but the pain started to subside a bit and she is now ok.  We have her foot up and she is just chilling in front of the t.v. and now so is Kevin.

There has been many happy things going on too.  so I am going to think of that now,  give me a minute….

well the brain is not cooperating, and I think I will put it in the next blog or let the girls do a report.

Oh and Clara Dawes is now no longer in Costa Rica.  I am sad.  I had just started a friendship with this lovely sister from Australia, and wish it could have continued longer in person, now we will have to keep it going by email.

So thanks for listening.  And understanding I am not a perfect person.  I know with Jehovah's help this will seem like no big deal.  I am praying and asking for holy spirit.  Please keep us in mind in your prayers too.

I love you all

Your crazy friend


Living Creatures

So far we have not shown too many animals and creatures that you may encounter here. So I thought I would put up just some of the living creatures around here. All of these shots come from around this house in Potrero. Even though there are other houses around there seems to be a tremendous amount of wildlife in the area –especially birds – and even Howler Monkeys!

Here is the link:


We are fervently praying for direction on what our next step will be. Finding other means of income here away from the hotel is so far proving elusive. Our thoughts originally were to get over to Limon and search for work, but as days go by it seems a bit premature to go over there with no prospect at all of work or income ( we are still checking on a possible call center over there). Living in this house although very nice is proving to be a challenge as well in many ways – so we are not planning on staying here too long either. We seem to have reached a crossroad as to what to do trying to be patient and wait on Jehovah but also be prudent and try to figure out if our Costa Rica horse has had it’s run and it is time to get off.

As the Apostle Paul asked we also ask for you to pray for us that we make wise decisions in our next course. We too will continue to pray that no matter where we end up next we can continue to serve in some full-time capacity. We have been able to learn and experience and I believe help in some ways here in Costa Rica – and if it be Jehovah’s will that we continue to do so –wonderful! If not – we will always cherish what we have been able to do and the new friends in Jehovah’s organization that we have made here. What a beautiful thing it is to know that no matter where you go on this planet – you WILL have friends in the faith.

We will keep everyone posted on any further developments.

Stay tuned…