Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday the 14th

Well guys this is my last entry here at the kitchen table desk of our little office.  And boy am I glad.  Seems like the day is dragging on though.  All of our tempers are a little raw, or maybe just mine.  The ding dong events planners who steal from the boss scheduled one group of 19, another of 90 and another of 30 with out telling the chef or us!  so all was in a panic this am trying to get food prepared and all organized for them.  The chef burnt his inner forearm pretty bad, and our waiter came in with a severe case of gripe (flu).  The girls and I raced a cute couple from Arkansas to the Cafe Britt tour by 11:00 as our hired guide forgot them.  But now at almost 2 pm we have made it!  Kevin finally hog tied the boss and sat him down and told him we wanted our last pay and we might consider caring for his email and marketing from Tamarindo.  Well it all went well.  He is such a mediocre bla person.  Didn't tell us thank you or didn't like our way of management.  Just hope all goes well for you and give me back my cell phone!

So how does Jehovah care for his crazy family Haanpaa?

One:  Brother Lindsay Dawes (and yes I use his full name) and his wife and son, Clara and Max from Australia have been an instrument of Jehovah's love.  They have invited us to stay at their home close to the Bethel here, and as they are soon to leave for Australia they will not be in their apartment much for the next couple of weeks, so we can “caretaker” their apartment, just a kind way of them giving us charity.  She also is an gourmet cook and looks like Sheila Falkowski and hugs and loves everyone just like her.

Two:  There has been an offer out of the blue for us to use a car left here by a former missionary couple.

Three:  A brother who works as a realtor and more, offered us a mansion to stay in for 5 weeks as we get our heads together.  In compensation we will care and clean and repair and uhem use the beach to make sure all is well .

Four:  The P>O> offered to house us if we need a place to stay.

Five;  Cassandra the baby who hates change has been awesome and learning lessons every day.  She has been nothing but supportive and trusting in Jehovah even when she is scared about the uncertain future.

Six:  Tifka Rachel Haanpaa is the voice of wisdom.  She has had to coral me several times and keep a bridal on my tongue.  She keeps telling us that less is more and get rid of your Crap!

Now they all are off to pick up the couple from Arkansas and I am on my own doing the last little clean up of this room.  Unfortunately there was a few left over's in the frig that needed to be used or tossed…including a little left over wine.  So if this blog is a little tipsy my apologies. 

Jamie…my dear friend we have been expecting this change in Lionel's work,  no better excuse to visit than use the time from layoff to next job to visit us.  If you make the decision we will help with the plans.  Who knows if Jehovah needs you here too.  Brothers willing to work are a treasure anywhere.

Tracey…I love you.

Stefka…you constantly are my favorite of the day.

And Karen and Dad…well Thank you for knowing what we needed at just the right time.

Well of course Marlene and Jerry you have been a consistent shoulder to lean on during all our adventures here

I have to go quick Kevin and the girls just drove up and I know they will want to edit this so I will quickly end this before they can.

To those of you not motioned ….you are in my heart and mind forever…!

Love Katalena


J and T Jones said...

Wow, you made me cry and laugh at the same time. I'm so happy Jehovah has given you so many options to chose from and I'm sure you will follow his direction, so things will work out fine. I love your appreciative comments about Tiffany and Cassie. Hope all is well in Tamarindo and you can say Hasta nunca to the hotel.

Spiker Family said...

I can't wait to read about your new adventures on the "East Side". I am sitting here eating plain almonds and they are delicious. We had our one day assembly yesterday and it was wonderful. I will email Tiff & Cass about it and you can read it too. And hey Katalina... remember "a little wine is good for the stomache"...(did I spell that right?)...and also for the spirit! Love to you and Kevin and my sisters! Tina