Grandma asked for close ups here you go…! There is so much to tell you but I cant get it all on paper. I am happy the girls are here, I have a sense of peace knowing they are in arms length. We cant believe it has only been 3 months since seeing each other. seems allot longer and that they have lived allot of life in that time. Is it possible that they are no longer my babies but grown women? I didn't cry when they came on the plane, instead I was laughing and joyous. Kevin and I have had tears in the past and now we only can be happy. Weather or not they stay is not important, I just needed to see them, the separation business is something better when done gradually. Cassie is determined to go back in January, (Tifka Rachel is still making up her mind) they have been encouraged by the Bethel friends in Nicaragua branch and from the local Spanish congregation to stay and work hard for Jehovah. They haven't had a chance to get to our English meeting yet it is tonight where Kevin and I are sure they will be approached by the Arabic brother, and all the English learners to help out. They are staying in one of our cabañas here and Tiff- Rachel is already cooking like a camp out queen for us. She went and robed the weird banana trees and is boiling them as I write, she also pulled of a leaf of a cactus and swears it is edible, but I am going to ask the chef before I eat it. Cassandra is on computer duty for Dad, doing a U tube promotion for the hotel. So they are already helping out. Oh I took them down to the airport and the Cafe Brit and they handed out flyers to the taxi drivers and personnel giving discounts and thank goodness they speak Spanish so well, jumped in with both feet.
Service plans are delayed till next week after the assembly so they will have even more fun then. This is just the mundane stuff.
Abel, Vivian, Trish, and Ernspikers…thanks for giving my girls back!
Will right more again, but with the girls here I am not so lonely and I am in their faces constantly, when the newness wares off then I will be back!
Love you all way too much1
Katalena, Kathleen
Just to let everyone know- The pictures were posted without the participants of the photo knowing! Hopefully you get a good laugh! Who knew you would have to be a model in heat and humidity and bugs? Well...
Love to all,
Tiffka y Cassie
Thanks for the pictures and I am so happy for you that you have your girls(or grown women). We miss your family so much and I'm so glad you still make us feel like we're a small part of it by sharing your adventures with us. We have our circuit assembly this weekend too. I hope you enjoy it. By the way, Tiffany and Cassie, you both look beautiful.
Thanks for the close ups!! The grand girls are beautiful! Wish we could see everyone in person. Can't believe that over 3 months have gone by since Kevin was here. It never gets easier being long distance from your kids. You get used to it but you never learn to like it.
Love the Grandparents
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