Saturday, August 9, 2008

Our new adventure in a land of continuing adventures…


Well… it finally happened – a disgruntled, former employee in the restaurant at the hotel as she was leaving said she was going to call immigration and have everyone one at the hotel deported or thrown in jail. That included the owner of the place –Alex too! She made good on that threat and low and behold Kathleen and I were having lunch in the restaurant Friday and these two guys come driving up. They come in and come right up to us and ask for Kathleen by name –she was almost going to ask him if he was there for a job- Ha Ha – I am glad she did not do that! Anyway he has his slick little patented move of flashing his badge and told us to come with him to show him our passports. So on our way to our room we find the owner and the tree house architect – the immigration guy wanted to see everyone’s passport. His first big surprise was that the owner is in fact a Costa Rican citizen. Then he wanted to know all about what we were doing and working and on, and on. Very nerve racking – I can tell you! To the best of our knowledge and checking we were convinced that what we are doing is completely legal. And after Alex got grilled for about 15 minutes – he was telling him what we were doing here and the immigration guy was satisfied that what we are doing was OK – but it sure makes you feel like a criminal anyway – it almost ruined our whole day! After though we still felt a bit uneasy about certain aspects of our arrangement. So, today we had a chat with Alex again and we are now in the process of meeting with this guru Lawyer in this country who knows all the ins and outs of what we need to do so that we do not need to worry about those immigration guys anymore – and we would not have to leave every 3 months too. So we will be working on that this week.

News and weather at 6:00 for all that are interested (J and T)

You just got the news. Here is the weather.

This time of year here at the Hotel, which is up the mountain about 20 Kilometers from Volcan Poas, the weather stays in the 70’s almost every day. Yes it is very humid most of the time. In the evenings it may drop into the mid 60’s. It rains almost every day too. Normally around 2 or 3 in the afternoon – but it may come a bit earlier or later. A few days it has rained all day with wind.

It is considerably different however on the coast. While we were there it was sunny most of the time and very warm, in the 90’s and very humid. Actually, it was quite strange to see the evening fog roll in and yet it was still very warm. We are so used to the Pacific coast of the States that it is always cold and chilly when the fog rolled in. This time of year you learn to bring your umbrella EVERY WHERE you go. Because when it rains – it RAINS! You will be saturated in mere moments without an umbrella.

One other thing. If anyone is interested and can get a little group together- it is very possible we can get you an excellent deal on awesome Cost Rica coffee from Cafe Britt. It is what we drink here at the Hotel and I love it. They have all kinds of different types as well. Here is the deal.

If you order 20 items from them they will include shipping to the States for $99.00. If you order 20 bags of coffee which are 12oz. each that is 15lbs of coffee! At that price it is about $6.60 a pound – a very good price. But if anyone is truly interested I will find out if we can get it for even less –since the Hotel does a lot of business with them and we will likely get and even better deal. So if interested, Just let me know and I will try to get the discounted rate.

Until the next chapter…


Tiff and Cass said...

wish we were there!Except of course for the whole immigration thing. But our prayers are with you. We will TTYL, and hope you pasa un buen noche.
Les queremos tanto,
Tus hijas
P.S. We just talked with you...but wanted you to look popular so we wrote this comment....hehe

KHaanpää said...

i love you girls thanks for the input. can yu find out how stefka is and if she is reading this or anything? we sent this to jaime again too, email them for me will ya?

Spiker Family said...

We are reading it Katalina! Love the continuing story. Sounds adventurous. I will be sending you some pictures shortly. Love Tina

Jerry said...

Read the comment from Mom on Thur blog.We certainly enjoyed all the pictures,beautifull country.All that beach to yourselves.Great.Makes me more jealous.We will pray that one of those disgruntled employees doesnt get violent.Talked to george Gonzales and his wife at convention Im going to email him your email address.He really wants to get hold of you guys to see how good you are doing. Love Dad

Jerry said...

ps. 60 new ones were baptized,good variety,all ages

J and T Jones said...

Thanks for the weather update. I think the weather where you are sounds a little more endurable than the hot coast. I hope you dont have any more run ins with immigration. The coffee deal sounds interesting, I'll have to think about it and let you know.