Thursday, August 7, 2008

More pictures


The Internet stayed up long enough and I finally took the time to organize some more pictures. So, now you can go over to the website and look at the pictures.

I just wanted to add this note too. I think some may have gotten the impression that I was being very negative in the last post. I really was not trying to be overly negative. I was trying to paint a picture of reality here that is often not reported anyplace that I looked when researching coming here. It certainly is not meant to discourage anyone from coming. It’s just that I think it is better to be honest and upfront so you can look at things objectively.

In all reality it is a telling picture of what man has done to Jehovah’s beautiful creation. It helps us appreciate that even in this so called paradise – and in many ways it is – we need desperately God’s Kingdom to cure the ails even here. It may be the very reason that the English field is growing here. People move here thinking that it is their paradise. But they soon realize that problems still exist and their hearts are perhaps motivated like never before when they lived in their more affluent homeland.

We are very happy to hear some of the good reports from the old congregation. I know Brad did well with his responsibilities conducting and his outgoing talks and I know Jehovah will continue to bless and use him to the full if he lets him.

We do thank everyone that has left comments – We cannot express enough what it means to read them and feel connected still to people we know and love.

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of… Kevin and Kathleen in Costa Rica –the adventure continues!


J and T Jones said...

I appreciate all your comments. It's encouraging to know that everywhere people need to know about God's kingdom to solve their problems. Thanks for sharing all your experiences in a place we may never have known about.

J and T Jones said...

I just looked at the pictures and it sure does look like paradise. It looks beautiful. By the way what's the weather like? Hot and humid? Cooler at night? or always hot?

Tiff and Cass said...

Hay Mom! So sorry the Internet is not working well. We loved the pics..we want to see more of you guys in them! Que beautiful like Raul says. Please write us back..the Skype is retarded. Mucho love from tus hijas....

Jerry said...

We just got back from San Francisco & couldn't wait to check the blog! We never thought you were being negative about the conditions down there. Really, the picture you paint is exactly the mental picture I had before you got there. You know your mom hates humidity & I am not a good traveler. Parts of 4 days in San Francisco almost broke me. I was so happy to be back to sunshine & dry desert & my own bed I could hardly stand it. Your experience with the immigration guy sounds scary! Glad it worked out ok! The convention was wonderful. What a feast! Worth all the discomfort! Call us when you have time! Love Mom