Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bay Area Pics


Here are some of the pictures of our new home area.

Enjoy and write!


Vallejo Home 002

Vallejo Home 005

Vallejo Home 009

Vallejo Home 048

Vallejo Home 046

The Haanpää Adventure Continues…


Well, it has been several months since we added to this blog and frankly although life has been filled with lots of goodies and ups and downs – nothing was all that exceptional or interesting to be posting on this blog.

However, you all may be interested to learn of this new chapter in the continuing adventures of the Haanpää family. Kathleen and I have just moved again –wow! What a surprise! Yes, because I was unemployed again for an exceptionally long time and work prospects in Reno, NV were so poor I started searching out of the area again. A German company, Wincor-Nixdorf, found my resume online and contacted me. To shorten things up a bit –they hired me as a Field Engineer in the East-North Bay area of San Francisco. For those not familiar with the area the region includes Vallejo, Fairfield, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the North Coast, Bodega Bay, Fort Brag, and other little cities along the way. We have leased an apartment in Vallejo as that was the most central area according to my new boss. We have to pause a moment and tell you though that this is not just an ordinary apartment that we have been blessed with. The apartment itself is not what is so extraordinary – it’s the view. We sit on our little porch overlooking the Carquinez Strait of the Pacific Ocean and watch the ships, boats, and ferries come and go all day and night. We can only gives thanks to Jehovah constantly as we are able to enjoy this little respite and truly enjoy his coastal creations. The next post will include some of the pictures we have been taking of our surroundings. We hope reigniting this blog will inspire all our friends in all the places that we have served to write us and let us know what is going on in YOUR lives! Even if we have not been in contact in awhile – please be assured you are always in our thoughts – and many times in our prayers as we think back with fondness on our times together and how Jehovah has enriched our live by knowing you and serving along side you in this system – we hope Jehovah preserves such memories for us forever!

As an additional pieza de noticia – Tiffany and Cassandra have decided to go on their own again – Tiffany at least for now. She will be joining us down here in 6 months or so to find work and get integrated here and then get her own place. Cassandra – well, we just don’t know yet what she is going to do in 6 months. She had indicated she wants to stay in Reno at the moment – so that is where they will be for awhile.

Until next post -
